Logical page size ( for example, in the CREATE INDEX statement above, PAGESIZE was required) 逻辑页面尺寸(例如,在上面的CREATEINDEX语句中,需要PAGESIZE)
Number of logical data page reads 逻辑数据页面读取次数
I normally add a couple of custom-sized logical unit numbers ( LUNs) from the SAN for the additional page spaces. 我通常使用几个来自SAN的自定义大小的逻辑单元号(LUN)添加额外的分页空间。
The browser-oriented components provide either a logical service to a web page or visualization for users. 面向浏览器类型的构件为面向用户的网页或可视化界面提供了一种逻辑性的服务。
The viewport tag changes the logical view size when displaying a page. 显示页面时视窗标签修改逻辑视图大小。
Both the formView and sucessView properties represent the logical name of the view defined, which maps to the actual view page. formView和sucessView属性都代表被定义的视图的逻辑名称,逻辑名称映射到实际的视图页面。
From the Logical Data Model File page, accept the defaults for the data design project for the logical model, and for the name of the logical model. 在LogicalDataModelFile页面上,接受用于逻辑模型的默认数据设计项目和逻辑模型的默认名称。
This paper describes how to package the massive and complicated web pages in a logical way and common types of web page packaging techniques are presented in detail. 就如何将纷繁复杂的页面进行合理的组装,介绍了常用的页面组装技术。
This fact creates a logical dependency between the ContextMenu control and the page. 这样实际上就是在ContextMenu快捷菜单控件和页面之间创建了一个逻辑信赖。
A logical content hierarchy also acts as a guide through each page and creates a more enjoyable user experience. 一个逻辑内容层次结构也可以用作每一页的指南,并创建一个更愉快的用户体验。
In the body tag, there is a template that specifies the logical structure of page and the placeholders for pagelets. 在body标签中,有个模板指定了页面的逻辑结构和pagelets的占位符。
When a string is returned, it is expected to be the logical name of a page ( as opposed to the page's fully qualified class name). As elsewhere, the name of the page is case insensitive. 当返回一个字符串时,该字符串应该是页面的逻辑名(不是页面的类全名)。另外,页面的名字不区分大小写。
A knowledge-based approach to logical structure analysis and understanding for multi-page documents 基于知识的多页文档逻辑结构的分析和理解
Meanwhile, in order to improve development efficiency and flexibility, the system used MVC design pattern, providing a good separation of the logical processing and page display, which is good at division of labor. 同时为了提高开发效率,系统采用MVC设计模式,很好的分离了逻辑处理和页面显示,分工明确,提高了系统开发的灵活性。